In the event of unforeseen financial crisis that prevents you from being able to pay rent or utilities on time, the Matthews HELP Center may be able to assist with some or all of a payment if you reside in our 6-zip code service area. Those zip codes are 28104, 28105, 28226, 28270, 28079 and 28211 in Matthews, NC and surrounding communities.
The Matthews HELP Center DOES NOT assist with hotel or mortgage payments.
To begin the application process, go to the Client Inquiry Form Page This form will need to be completed and submitted first. Please allow for 3 business days for our social work team to review this information. You will be notified via email if you will move to the next steps for assistance. Please also check your junk mail.
If approved, you will need to complete an intake form, budget assessment, and provide proof of crisis and upload documentation via a secure portal within the deadline provided. If you have questions regarding the documents to be provided you can send an email to the address provided (socialworkdocs). Once ALL documentation is received, a member of our social work team will schedule an appointment. During that appointment, be prepared to discuss your current situation and your plans to achieve financial security moving forward.