Corporate Partners and Sponsors Make a Difference!
Corporate Partners
Our Corporate and Small Business Partners have made an investment in the Matthews HELP Center and our Financial Assistance Programs to help provide support to families in need in our community. This is more than just a sponsorship of an event. It is a partnership between the Matthews HELP Center and businesses who are looking to build relationships, get their employee's involved in serving and helping others. Please join us!
We sincerely appreciate your dedication to our mission, to provide short-term crisis assistance to our neighbors in the Greater Matthews Community. Here is how you can become a Corporate Partner or Community Partner .
We look forward to adding your logo to those listed below.
Partners in Mecklenburg and Union Counties work with MHC to assist families in financial crisis.
- Churches
- Schools
- Community Organizations
- Foundations
- Businesses
Want to be a part of the solution click on the link above or contact Susan Ross, Director of Development at
704-847-8383. We look forward to working with you.